Last updated 3 months ago
Core team formation
Seed funding
Launch on Scroll Testnet
Lanch Testnet Campaign
Alpha Launch on Scroll Mainnet
Develop the AAVE Vaults as the trial vaults
Publish the first risk rating information
Full Launch on Scroll
Complete Risk Rating and publish them for top 10 Scroll DeFi projects
Build Risk Monitoring Bots for top 10 DeFi projects on Scroll
Launch Verified APY Yield index
Expand saving vaults choices
Launch Mainnet campaign along with Scroll
Launch DeFi strategy recommendation engine
Expand Risk Monitoring to monitor off-chain risks
Launch LazyOtter DAO
LazyOtter Token TGE
Risk Pooling based on Rating
Build AI Portfolio Optmization engine
Develop risk data API
Go Multi-Chain on other Ethereum Layer2s / Solana
The roadmap is updated regularly and subject to change.
Our team will keep track of the market updates and would love your suggestions and ideas! Make sure to join our community to be heard 👂